Katarina Peović Vuković – Political emancipation and new media

June 11, 2015, 19:00
Galerija Nova
7 Teslina, Zagreb

On Thursday, June 11 at 19 o'clock , there is a lecture by Katarina Peović Vuković 'Political emancipation and new media. Badiou or Foucault on the Internet?' at the Gallery Nova.

Political emancipation primarily refers to ensuring economic and social rights or equality, as well as freedom for marginal or oppressed groups. Towards the end of the millennium, when some diagnosed the end of struggle for emancipation and death of utopia, on the one hand, others detected the Web as a liberating space which creates new tactics and redefined the subjects. Has the productive-consumerist model of the Web put an end to the struggles for emancipation or has the struggle for emancipation followed the model that was the hope of post-ideological systems from the beginning? By juxtaposing Foucault and Badiou in the lecture, there will be an attempt to illustrate the difference in postmodernist resistance policies in order to point out the advantages of Badiou's communist hypothesis which has not been applied to the Web yet. Meanwhile, Foucault's ethics of technologies of the self has been applied. The lecture aims to point out the downsides of this post-ideological illusion.

Katarina Peović Vuković is a media and culture theoretician, assistant professor at the Department of cultural studies at the Faculty of Science and Humanities in Rijeka. She is a member of the editorial board at Libra Libera magazine, dedicated to promoting literature and critical theory. She finished her Master's and PhD degree at the Department of Comparative Literature at the Faculty of Science and Humanities in Zagreb. In 2012, she published a book Media and Culture. Media Ideology After Decentralization (Jesenski i Turk, Zagreb). In addition, she edited a critical anthology of texts by Hakim Bey called Temporary autonomous zones and other texts (Jesenski i Turk, Zagreb, 2003). She is a member of the Circle for Studies of Ideas and Ideology collective and an informal educational institution the Global Center for Advanced Study.